Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Margot Robbie - The Face of Barbie


The Barbie movie was one of the biggest films of 2023, breaking records and sparking thoughtful conversations from all those who saw it.  Although there had been talks to make a live-action Barbie movie going as far back as the 1980s, the project didn’t begin to coalesce until 2018 when, among other things, Margot Robbie’s name came up to play the starring role.  As we will see in this summary of how Margot’s dasha cycles lined up with the creation of the movie, there was no one else who could bring Barbie to “life” in exactly the way she was able to.

She was officially cast and made a director of the film in July 2019 during her Jupiter/Mars dasha. The Jupiter mahadasha lit up her 12th house where her Mercury, Jupiter and Sun are.  This shows how she was successful working behind the scenes of the movie, as well as being the star.  Through this position, she can express her big ideas for the movie (Jupiter), communicate them effectively (Gemini in its own sign) and be inspired by the movie on a Soul level (Sun).

As a house ruler, her Jupiter mahadasha lit up her Mars in 9th house Pisces, which shows how she was inspired by the project and brought lots of inspiring energy to getting the film made.  It also lit up her 6th house where her natal Saturn in Sagittarius is.  With Saturn being retrograde, this indicates an inspiring project (Sagittarius) that had been a long time in the making that was finally coming to life after a lot of hard work (6th house).

The Mars secondary dasha brought even more energy to Mars in the 9th house.  As a house ruler this lit up her 5th house of creativity in Scorpio.  This reveals that  there would be deeper themes and meanings emerging from the film than what would have been expected of a movie about Barbie.  It also lit up her 10th house of career where she would be the starring role, in this, her “baby” project (5th house of children)

The Mars secondary dasha also lights up a powerful Raja yoga for her, with the Lord of the 10th (Mars) in her 9th house in Pisces.  A Raja yoga is a combination of planets which indicate wealth, good fortune, and influence. It can also signify success in business or career, and financial prosperity.  This is especially true in this case since it involves her 10th house of career.  It also shows how she is inspired and is inspiring others through her work (9th house).

Mars in Pisces also indicates a powerful theme that runs through the movie.  Mars, a masculine sign, is an indicator of strength, and Pisces, a feminine sign, is where boundaries dissolve.  Jupiter is the ruler of Pisces, which indicates people’s beliefs about something.   The questioning and blurring of the lines of what is considered traditionally “male” and “female” were brought up many times in the film.

From filming to completion - Saturn/Saturn

By the time the movie was wrapping up filming on July 21st, 2022, Margot started her Saturn/Saturn dasha which will run until July 2025.  Thus, everything that has happened with the film so far has manifested under this dasha.  

This period lights up her 6th house of hard work and sacrifice where her retrograde Saturn is in Uttara Ashada, or the “invincible star.” Uttara Ashada’s special shakti, or grace, is that of making one empowered and undefeatable.  This indicates that during this time, she will continue to be a strong and inspiring figure for a very, very long time. 

Saturn is also her Atma Karaka planet as it has the highest degree of any other planet in her chart.  Atma means the soul and karaka means significator.  This means it is the significator of the soul’s desire, as it is quite developed, showing she has karma to finish with it in this lifetime.  

The houses that Margot’s Atma Karaka rules show the areas of her life where she will experience the life lessons she came here to learn, especially during the planet’s dasha cycle.

Saturn rules her 7th house in Capricorn which indicates she will be practical and steady in her relationships during this time.  These partnerships will get better over time, in particular ones which have to do with business dealings.  Surely this shows she will have significant power to tell whatever stories she likes and have the roles she desires.  

It also lights up her 8th house in Aquarius.  Here it is shown that the difficult/controversial (8th house) commentary on society (Aquarius) that was brought up in the movie will continue and she will be a spokesperson for it.    

Lastly, it also lights up her Ascendant in Pushya.  The Ascendant is connected to our appearance.  She was given the role of Barbie because she very much “looked the part,” and she will certainly be the human “face” of Barbie from now on. 

Margot and Barbie’s Release Day

Besides all the dasha cycles making this a time for Margot to be in the spotlight, there were significant transits happening for her on the day of the movie's official release.

The Barbie movie was released on July 9th, 2023.  On this day Margot’s powerful Raja yoga in the 9th house was being transited by the Moon, which is Margot’s ruling planet, as she has a Cancer ascendant.  She is certainly the star, but also shows how she is inspiring (9th house) and reflecting back the emotions (the Moon) of those who will see the movie.

Jupiter, the indicator of wealth, expansion and good fortune, as well as being the Lord of her 9th house (and the powerful Raja yoga) was also being transited by the Sun almost to the exact degree.  This boosted her confidence and purified everything going on with the Raja yoga.

The Ascendant at the time the movie began was Sagittarius, where Margot’s dasha planet is lit up.  Once again, Margot is the “face” of the movie to which she is now forever intricately linked.   

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